Let’s make City Hall accountable to ALL Santa Ana residents.

Vote YES on Measure DD!

Vote YES on Measure DD!

Measure DD will amend the Santa Ana City Charter to allow noncitizen City residents to vote in all City of Santa Ana municipal elections.

This means our neighbors who have lived here for years — running small businesses, raising families, and paying taxes in the community — will finally have a say in who represents them at Santa Ana City Hall.

For the first 150 years of our nation’s history, 40 states and territories at various times allowed noncitizens to vote.

Being involved in the community is an important part of American life. Measure DD will give noncitizen residents in Santa Ana greater opportunities to participate in the community and democratic process.

Measure DD will make Santa Ana elections fairer.

Nearly 30% of Santa Ana residents are noncitizens, including many taxpayers, homeowners, business owners, workers, and parents. They deserve to legally vote for the city officials who make key decisions impacting their daily lives, as well as increases to the local taxes they pay (like Measure X in 2018).

Measure DD will help make City Hall more transparent and responsive.

By ensuring all residents can be heard in local elections, city officials will face greater pressures to be more transparent, responsive to all residents’ needs, and responsible with everyone’s hard-earned taxpayer dollars.

Measure DD will strengthen our city’s democracy.

Out of Santa Ana’s 31,611 Asian adult residents, 5,646 (18%) are noncitizens. Out of the city’s 172,962 Hispanic adult residents, 64,022 (37%) are noncitizens. Measure DD will help ensure that the priorities of Santa Ana’s diverse communities and their priorities are truly reflected at City Hall.

Community Voices

Santa Ana resident Apolonio Cortes speaks in front of other Santa Ana community members about why he believes Measure DD is necessary for the city. He sits next to Santa Ana City Councilmember Benjamin Vazquez.

“I live in Santa Ana, and I know the issues in my neighborhood and in the city very well. Although it’s important for elected officials to listen to us, that is not enough. We must also have the opportunity to vote to ensure city officials are serving all residents. It is very important to empower a community that has economically contributed to the city.”

— Apolonio Cortes

Resident of Santa Ana for 26 Years

Santa Ana resident Phuong Vu walks away from the podium at a City Council meeting after advocating for Measure DD to be placed on the November 2024 general election ballot.

“The city needs to expand the right to vote for all residents regardless of immigration status. As immigrants, we also contribute to the city. This will only strengthen our city and showcase freedom and equality. It will help uplift the spirit of the Vietnamese community in Santa Ana and improve our living conditions.”

— Phuong Vu

Resident of Santa Ana for 27 years

By allowing all adult residents to legally vote in local elections, Measure DD will help ensure that Santa Ana city government is accountable to everyone who lives here.

Endorsements from Organizations

Endorsements from Community Leaders

Titles for identification purposes only.

Opponents of the measure are using disinformation to mislead voters. We will not buy into their scare tactics. Vote YES on Measure DD!

Want to get involved in the movement to defend our democracy in Santa Ana?